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New Visual Identity

Introducing Our New Visual Identity

We are delighted to introduce our new visual identity, including our new corporate logo - comprised of our new vibrant logomark and strong, bold logotype -- and our redesigned website. 


Logomark and Logotype


We have reimagined our corporate logomark and logotype with a fresh, modern look, reflective of our clients, our people, the candidates we seek to attract, the talent we aspire to develop, and our unrelenting approach to excellence in the delivery of our solutions. 

Talent Matters logo

Typography and Color


The typography and color used in our logotype reflect a strong, bold contrast against the vibrant tri-color logomark (a combination of stylized letters “T” and "M") which represents ‘constructive nonconformity’ or thinking beyond the box.  


Our print and web-based media will largely contrast the strong, bold deep blue color of our logotype, against white space.  This will be further contrasted against the intermittent use of the three vibrant accent colors used in our logomark.  These dynamic colors, which will change from time to time, represent our three core solutions:  Talent Acquisition Matters, Consulting Matters and Talent Development Matters

Deep Blue

Brand Alignment


As part of our brand alignment toward our clients’ business issues in a rapidly changing digital world, we have also redesigned our website.  The redesign includes results-focused case studies featuring some of our clients.  We hope you will find this useful in providing more context around our solutions and the work we do in a number of key verticals, including the ‘digital’ recruitment space.  Through our Digital Matters solutions, we offer recruitment and other talent solutions designed for businesses undergoing, or engaged in helping other businesses implement, digital transformations. 

Talent Matters logo

We deliver global recruitment and specialized talent solutions for the digital world.  

Discover how we can help you succeed with all of your Talent Matters. 

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